Scalp treatments that prevent hair loss and encourage hair growth are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, plants like fenugreek and rosemary are immune to such treatments. In addition to being a true gift from nature, they are functional, produce the desired results, and, in most cases, suit the skin of the scalp. How do these natural compounds “work”?
Fenugreek is a herb that has long been utilized in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, both internally and externally. Although the leaves are helpful, and are used as a dietary supplement and spice in India and Africa, they are most commonly utilized in cosmetic products as seeds or powder with a distinct sweet-nut aroma.
Some studies have found that specific phyto-compounds in fenugreek inhibit the action of DHT (dihydrotestosterone, the androgenic sex hormone) that causes hair loss. Rosemary essential oil operates on a very similar mechanism. First and foremost, it induces vasodilation, which greatly improves scalp microcirculation and nutrient flow. Certain studies have also demonstrated activity as a DHT blocker. Furthermore, one study found that rosemary essential oil was as effective, if not more so, than a well-known hair loss treatment.