Ogunfemi notes that when it comes to clothing, women typically don Habesha Kemis, which are formal dresses that fall below the ankle. These gowns are typically white with an Ethiopian design encircling the neck. In the meanwhile, guys typically don Habesha Libs. Having said that, you ought to be ready to dress appropriately for the situation. It is noteworthy that many Ethiopian regions have distinct fashion patterns, which are occasionally reflected on the wedding day. The bride stands out because she is decked up in the most elaborate, complete with jewelry. Whether an Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant couple is married, their religious beliefs will determine how the ceremony is conducted. Depending on the couple’s religious background, the processional will change. Wearing their finest Habesha clothes, the family members and visitors are seated and waiting for the bridal party to arrive. The bride and her parents arrive at the chapel after the groom and his entourage. All of them stand up to welcome the bride as soon as she walks in. Leading the exchanging of rings, vows, and unity candles is the priest or pastor. After the bride and groom are legally wed, their loved ones welcome them outside the church and sing songs to celebrate their new life together.