The majority of people perform generous deeds out of selflessness, yet some do so for merely self-serving and boastful motives. People who are humble are more willing to assist others in need than those who are not, according to a study examining the connection between humility and other pro-social traits 2. This is not to imply that humility inevitably equates to helpfulness or that there aren’t charitable persons who are not modest. You can relate to others more if you have a more grounded self-perception. A haughty, self-centered individual could think that other people are inferior to them and not worth their time or effort. The majority of businesses and graduate programs prefer modest applicants, while there may be rare outliers. They believe that someone who boasts, believes they are the best, or believes they know more than anybody else is hard to work with and hard to educate. They believe that your interactions with other people would suffer as a result of your lack of humility. Consider a physician who believes they are the greatest and possess more knowledge than their peers. Because they are less likely to learn from other doctors who are developing medicine through research, they would rapidly lag behind, even if they were the greatest in their professions.