There is no one way to determine whether you are blessed; it is a personal experience. But you could consider yourself fortunate if you: Feel appreciative: You are appreciative of the positive aspects of your life. Positivity: You approach life with a positive outlook. Experience inner peace: You experience joy, contentment, or serenity that is unaffected by external factors. Possess a feeling of purpose: You believe that your life has meaning. Believe in God: Even during trying circumstances, you have faith and confidence in God. Another option is to try counting your blessings, which is expressing gratitude to God for the people, things, and situations you have to be thankful for. You understand that you are nothing in God’s eyes and that you are spiritually shattered. Without Him, you quickly acknowledge your spiritual bankruptcy. You consequently feel incapable of doing anything genuinely admirable in God’s eyes without His heavenly enabling and assistance. You admit that you are in need of God and that everything, spiritual and physical, depends on Him. You want to turn to God in sincere repentance and you regret, mourn, and sorrow for your sins. You despise yourself because you have been leading a life that is contrary to God’s true ways.