Black neck, another name for dark neck, is a frequent ailment that can be brought on by a variety of things. The etiology of dark neck determines the course of treatment. Sun exposure: The sun’s UV radiation can produce too much melanin, which results in dark areas. Poor hygiene: Discoloration may result from an accumulation of perspiration, dead skin cells, and grime. Hormonal imbalance: Hyperpigmentation can result from diseases like PCOS or insulin resistance. Medications: Skin darkening may result from long-term usage of some medications. Genetics: Pigmentation problems are more common in certain individuals. Obesity: Carrying too much weight might result in dark spots and skin folds that cause friction. Skin disorders: Dark patches on the neck can be caused by dermatitis neglecta and acanthosis nigricans. Therapies: Prescription drugs: Retin-A, alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, and oral acne treatments can all be beneficial. Peels made with chemicals: able to alleviate hyperpigmentation: Laser procedures: able to alleviate hyperpigmentation: Controlling weight: can aid with obesity-related dark neck. Changes in diet: Consuming more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, and eating a low-fat diet can all be beneficial. Exfoliation Skin lightening can be achieved by using an oatmeal scrub mixed with apple cider vinegar: Although dark neck is typically not dangerous or communicable, it may indicate a medical issue. If you find black areas on your neck, you should consult a physician.