When you’re apart, do you ever wonder if your partner is still thinking about you? Guys only want to enjoy themselves and feel good when they text you, whether they are your long-term partner or your crush. Fortunately, you can easily keep him interested in the conversation so that when you’re not there, he would miss you. A little compliment will make him grin and cause him to reflect on how wonderful you make him feel. You could talk about his appearance, his handling of a crisis, or your feelings for him. Men may see right through overbearing praises, so try to avoid giving them if you don’t mean them. Expressing gratitude demonstrates your concern for him. Don’t ignore your crush or partner if they did anything kind for you. He will be thrilled that you took attention of what he’s doing, even if it was only something minor, and he will want to text you more. “I really appreciate the text you sent last night; it meant the world to read it this morning!” “Thank you so much for visiting today. It was great to see you again. “I appreciate your unwavering support of my goals! You give me a sense of uniqueness!