I was utterly enthralled by Ethiopian culture, and the more I learned about it, the more its various churches beckoned to me. Ethiopia is home to some of the oldest churches in the world; these are primarily Ethiopian Orthodox churches, and I was very moved by their settings, hues, customs, and rituals. I was enthralled with the last chapel I saw, which was up in the Tigray region. I tried to see a couple more of the lesser-known churches, which are renowned for their interior artwork and carved straight from the rock, as I was already enthralled with the ones I had already visited. I traveled there by the most local bus (from Wukro), which is packed with people and objects frequently on top of you. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a seat; if not, grab whatever rail or edge you can for the bumpy, winding journey ahead. The journey to get there was incredibly enjoyable, but fortunately brief.No one was expecting me because usually guests on tours arrive in private vehicles. There was a mass going on when I got there and approached the church.Since I had attended several Orthodox (Eastern) masses as a teenager, I made the decision to join.I wanted to join with all my heart. Although joining was a process, the people at this mass were quite welcoming.