Gray hair cannot be completely eliminated, but in certain situations, it can be slowed down or even reversed. Reasons for gray hair: Gray hair is a typical aspect of aging. Genetics: You might get gray hair sooner if it runs in your family. Health issues: Gray hair may be a symptom of some medical illnesses. Lifestyle: Stress, smoking, and some diets can all cause gray hair. How to reverse or slow down gray hair. Consume a nutritious diet: Consume more foods high in antioxidants, such as fish, green tea, fruits, and vegetables. Take vitamins to make up for any vitamin deficiencies you may have. Try to lessen the amount of stress in your life. Give up smoking because it can cause gray hair. If you’re ready for a change, think about getting a new haircut. Look after your hair. According to Jewell, blue-based shampoos can help keep gray hair from turning yellow. Hair stays well-hydrated when a conditioning mask is applied once a month. To give your hair a smoother, more glossy appearance, use a flat iron. “A flat iron on your hair brings back the luster to it.” Gray hair has a tendency to become frizzy. Keep in mind that beauty is greater. “A woman’s hair color does not define her beauty,” said the CEO of Boom and a silver-haired model. It was once said by the Cindy Joseph makeup line. “The ability to take joy in her life is what makes a woman truly beautiful.”