Ask yourself why you’re pursuing it if it’s not what you truly want in life. Ask yourself what you would be willing to give up for this if you really want it. A large portion of my work depends on my self-assurance and compatibility with the systems I’m developing. I pause writing an email and draft it in a couple different ways if and when it doesn’t “feel right” or my gut tells me it’s coming from a place of need, loneliness, or desperation. The words flow more readily when I go back and recall why I’m doing what I’m doing. To get what you desire, you must genuinely ASK for it. This is such easy writing, yet the suggestion seems nearly ridiculously straightforward. However, far too many people fail to voice their desires. They will tell you a story, send you an email to say hello, spend hours discussing their idea in circles, hedge and hum about a minor detail, and all the while hope that, in the midst of all the confusion, the other person they are speaking with will be able to understand what you want and assist you in solving your problem. You must publicly announce it. Be explicit, precise, and direct in expressing your desires. Make your request as explicit as possible. Communicate clearly about what you need, from whom, when you need it, and what constitutes a desired result.