Even if it might not always be feasible or acceptable to visit your followers, there are ways to maintain a personal relationship with them even when you are hundreds of miles away. For example, including a personalized handwritten note of gratitude to every merchandise shipment, addressing each customer by name. For every fan, it’s a tiny gesture that will mean the world. Capture and share behind-the-scenes video. Everyone is curious about the behind-the-scenes activities of their favorite band. It doesn’t matter if you’re not performing for thousands of adoring fans on a global tour; the followers you do have are still very interested in you and your life. Regularly posting vlogs or tour diaries that showcase your unadulterated, unrefined, authentic, and raw self will make your audience feel more connected to you. Make unique competitions. Giving your followers the opportunity to win unique, exclusive merchandise or one-on-one time with you shows them how much you cherish them and are ready to set aside time in your schedule to spend with them or make something special only for them. You could give away a rare, first-edition autographed CD, a limited-edition T-shirt featuring your most well-known lyrics, or a special in-person or virtual concert as prizes for a contest.