Renowned research psychologist and couples therapist John Gottman explores the complexities of love in this insightful, approachable, and much anticipated book. What makes certain loves last while others fade? In his renowned “Love Lab,” Gottman has observed the biorhythms and conversational patterns of hundreds and thousands of couples over the course of decades. This book, which offers ways for mending what may seem lost or broken, teaches readers how to recognize behaviors, attitudes, and symptoms that point to sexual betrayal as well as other types, based on laboratory findings. Gottman, who has a talent for distilling difficult scientific concepts into incisive and useful guidance, shows how a couple can preserve or reclaim their greatest asset: their love for one another. In an approachable style replete with stories, made-up conversations, and game theory comparisons, Gottman clarifies a relationship’s lack of trust. Couples who want to look honestly at healing chronic hurts and improving the state of their relationship and are ready for a system to help them will find the practical tools to evaluate current relationships and step-by-step methods for avoiding betrayal, repairing relationships heading toward crisis, or healing a relationship after a crisis to be helpful.