I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to go to the party that my buddy’s friend was throwing the night I met my husband. Since I didn’t know whose party it was and it being a Sunday night and I had work the next day, I was inclined to turn down the invitation. However, I had made a self-promise to embrace the gifts life gave me, like accepting invitations that seemed to appear out of nowhere, and I had no compelling reason not to go. And that’s what this was. Upon arriving at the celebration, I saw my future spouse, with whom I have shared 25 years and three children. The natural flow of events and connections you make with people you meet are altered when you approach them as though you are interviewing them for a long-term position. Being viewed as a “catch” is extremely unsettling and will probably make folks run away from you! The easiest way to quit judging individuals as possible life partners is to simply give up on finding a mate and show real interest in everyone you meet. After that, take pleasure in any kind of relationship whether it be a friendship, business partnership, or a tie based on shared interests that organically arises or does not. When you first meet someone, take your time and let the relationship develop.