A thorough grasp of the causes and contexts of failure will assist in avoiding the blame game and implementing an effective approach for learning from it. Although an endless number of things might go wrong in companies, mistakes are classified into three types: preventable, complexity-related, and intelligent. The majority of failures in this category are indeed “bad.” They typically involve departures from specifications in the tightly specified procedures of high-volume or routine operations in manufacturing and services. Employees can continuously follow those processes if they receive sufficient training and assistance. When they don’t, deviation, inattention, or a lack of competence are frequently the culprits. Most operations students are aware that when a team member on a Toyota assembly line notices a problem or a possible problem, they are encouraged to pull a rope known as the and on cord, which immediately activates a diagnostic and problem-solving process. If the problem can be resolved in less than a minute, production can continue without interruptions. Otherwise, production is suspended, despite the revenue loss, until the fault is identified and addressed.