The ability to handle difficult situations is resilience. You still experience anguish, grief, and rage after a negative event. However, you have the strength and endurance to continue. Being resilient isn’t about enduring hardship or getting by on your own. Actually, one of the most important aspects of resilience is having the ability to ask for help from others. Both mental health and resilience. You can be more resilient and less susceptible to mental health issues like anxiety and sadness. Additionally, resilience can assist you in coping with situations that raise your risk of mental health disorders, such as experiencing trauma or bullying. Being resilient can help you manage better if you have a mental health condition. Establish a connection. Having solid, wholesome relationships with family and friends can help you navigate both good and bad times and provide the support you need. Serve others by volunteering or becoming a member of a spiritual or religious organization. Give each day purpose. Every day, engage in activities that make you feel successful and purposeful. To help you look toward the future with purpose, set attainable goals. Take lessons from history. Consider how you have handled difficult situations in the past. Consider the things that got you through difficult times. You can also use journaling to record past experiences in order to see trends in your behavior and receive guidance going forward.