It’s a wonder millennials aren’t happier, because avocados really do make you happy. Packed with monounsaturated fats, or the “good” fats, this leafy green fruit has been associated with reduced symptoms of anxiety. Women who consume more healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, report feeling less anxious. Avocados also include a lot of B vitamins, which have a strong correlation with lowered stress levels and may enhance mood. To be honest, you already know that chocolate elevates your mood. It simply does. In addition to providing a sugar rush, chocolate enhanced young people’ cognitive function. Due to their association with increased energy expenditure, these fatty acids may support both athletic performance and weight loss. Even so, the theory is not entirely validated. However, some earlier study completely refutes the notion that MCTs can increase energy levels. Choline, which is abundant in the yellow stuff, is involved in mood regulation, memory function, and other critical processes including muscular control. Additionally rich in protein, iodine, zinc, B vitamins, omega-3s, and iodine are eggs. Any fruit will probably improve your mood if you eat it, but berries may be the greatest.