
A message from singer Veronica about young Feven

Advocating for your convictions is a crucial life skill. You are actively taking control of your life when you make yourself heard. However, it might be frightening to assert yourself since you might be worried about upsetting people or being noticed in a crowd. However, you will be able to have the confidence to be who you really are and stand up to change things for other people or yourself if you know yourself and your principles well. When the time comes for you to speak up, you can do it with words, deeds, or a combination of the two. Acquire the ability to act despite your fear. Being bold is a crucial aspect of advocating for your beliefs. Being courageous does not imply being fearless. Despite their fear, many brave people take action because they understand how vital it is. In spite of your fear, you must take action if you genuinely believe in your cause. A brave person must be willing to take a side. Knowing what you stand for makes it difficult to take immediate action. For example, if you’re unsure about your position on a certain subject, like tax dollars being used for animal welfare, you could find it difficult to express your opinion in public.

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