Many individuals will likely find this to be an intriguing question. What is it about some individuals that makes them exceptional performers? or at least possess the capacity to be extremely talented. Since I know a lot of you are curious about this, I did some research to find out what traits or personality types actually make for exceptional performance. This is one of those realistically expected surface characteristics. It’s hardly shocking to learn that they are also actors—they have those genuine life-of-the-party personalities. This is because it takes a certain level of expressive energy to perform on stage or in front of the camera, thus people who possess high energy levels and the capacity to convey that energy on film ought to go without saying. This is another quality that ought to be obvious. Unless they are exceptionally gifted and have an innate ability, lazy people rarely become excellent actors. This is the case because acting is a very independent profession that demands a great deal of self-motivation and countless hours of personal time to succeed. Along with putting in endless hours of practice time, any job you accept will require you to do copious amounts of study for your role or character.