The believer who repents and is baptized will go to paradise; the unbeliever will go to hell. I tell you the truth: a person cannot enter God’s kingdom unless they are born of water and the spirit. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church baptizes male children at 40 days of age and female infants at 80 days of age, in compliance with such writings of the Holy Scriptures. However, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church baptizes newborns in case of illness, in order to prevent the infant from passing away before being baptized and submitted to the unalterable decree of the Lord Jesus Christ, which states that “unless one is born of water and the spirit he can not enter the kingdom of God. It is a sacrament that helps us to distance ourselves from the power of sin and go closer to having communion with God. Its origins can be traced back to the rituals performed by the children of Israel upon their release from slavery. They killed a ritual sheep and sprinkling its blood on doorposts as a means of guarding against unexpected death and disaster. The Mystery of the Holy Communion was established by offering by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who atones for humankind’s sin. Since nothing was made perfect by the law, a better hope that allows us to go closer to God is introduced.