No one enjoys discussing odorous breath, yet for some of us, it’s unavoidable. There is no avoiding the scent of foul breath, whether we work, reside, or simply know someone who has it. However, it is simple to prevent the ailment itself. Bacteria in the mouth that feed on food remnants are what produce bad breath. They release a gas as a consequence of breaking down dental debris. The scent is coming from this gas. Although we’re not going to discuss them here, there are some medical issues that can also result in bad breath. Bad breath truly might be avoided with a strict dental schedule, regular dental checkups, and the use of some of these foods in the diet. A daily apple helps ward off both the doctor and the dentist. Apple polyphenols contribute to the reduction of oral bacteria, which improves breath. Additionally, they work well at cleaning teeth and removing debris that bacteria would otherwise be attracted to. new herbs. Strong oils found in herbs like mint, parsley, and basil have several health advantages, including the ability to combat bad breath-causing germs. They also have a decent flavor. Ginger. Although ginger is well known for its digestive benefits, it also works to combat foul breath. After a meal, a little slice of fresh ginger is not only delicious but also prevents bad breath.