After food passes from the esophagus into the stomach, it undergoes further digestion to further break down its nutrients before being absorbed in the small intestine. It generates acid and a number of other enzymes that reduce food to simpler forms. A mucous lining lines the inside wall of the stomach, shielding it from the acid and enzymes. An imbalance between the digestive juices the stomach produces and the different components that shield the stomach lining might result in ulcers. One of the signs of ulcers is bleeding. Rarely, the stomach wall may be entirely destroyed by an ulcer. Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that is a significant cause of stomach ulcers. The purpose of this test is to examine the lining of the stomach, the first segment of the small intestine, and the esophagus (food pipe). A flexible endoscope, or tiny camera, is placed down the throat to perform the procedure. Most of the time, sedation administered via vein is needed for this test. Sometimes a smaller endoscope inserted through the nose into the stomach is used. Sedation is not necessary for this.