All of the extended family members who were unable to attend the wedding are invited to a Kelekel (mixing together) by the third day. The venue for this event is decided by the newlyweds’ parents. The parents bless, congratulate, and say goodbye to their children at the conclusion of the ceremony. For those family members to meet and socialize for the final time before the next wedding, this event is also thought to be significant. By the time the honeymoon is over, the pair spends some time at the bride’s residence with the groom’s best man. Ethiopian Marriage Age. In Ethiopia, the typical age for women to get married is 18 or 19, while the average age for men is 28 to 29. The bride’s hairstyle is thought to be equally as significant as the arrangement of the transport vehicles for the wedding procession. This falls mostly on the shoulders of the groom, who is responsible for managing the logistics, which includes preparation about the type of wedding and the locations of the venues.