Our inclination toward familiarity stems from hardwiring in our brains. We feel comfortable and safe when we are surrounded by certain things in our lives, such as routines, food, music, and clothing. Similar to this, getting to know our partner well can make us feel happy and secure, as it should. Regretfully, it may also result in complacency. In contrast to our customary morning routine, expecting consistency in a marriage is, at best, unreal and, at worst, detrimental. We may mistakenly believe that we have all there is to know about one another after years of marriage. But you are not the same person your spouse married, and your spouse is not the same person you married. Make an effort to “rediscover” your spouse on a regular basis rather than thinking you already know what matters to them. A man’s wife is described in the English Standard Version of the Bible as “a lovely deer, a graceful doe.” Allow her breasts to always make you happy; let her love always consume you. It’s important to pay attention to both the evident details and the hidden aspects of their hearts. Keep in mind that likes, dislikes, interests, dreams, hopes, fears, wants, and passions can all change on a daily basis! Instead, fall in love with them as they are right now.