As routine medical examinations with your physician are beneficial, it’s also a good idea to periodically assess the health of your relationship to see if it meets the criteria for being a successful marriage. Even if you hadn’t sensed anything was wrong, you can be very taken aback or horrified to learn what your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are. In a similar vein, you might be in for a few surprises if you examine your marriage more closely. What constitutes a happy marriage? A happy and healthy marriage requires a lot. You can take a definitive assessment of your marriage’s health, save your marriage from unsatisfactory behaviors, and give your union longevity by reviewing the telltale indicators of a happy marriage.
Recall that taking care of oneself is not selfish; rather, it is necessary to keep a relationship strong. You can better support your spouse and your marriage when you look after yourself. If you two are going to be together for a long time, you should periodically assess your marriage by asking important questions such, “What makes a good marriage?” “Are there any telltale indicators of a healthy relationship?”