It’s best to be as specific as possible about WHO you ask. In today’s hyperconnected world, asking everyone in your network is sure to bring you a lot of silence or active unfollows and unsubscribes on all of your platforms. Asking three highly qualified individuals to respond to your question is preferable to asking fifteen uninterested people. Don’t send emails to every person on your contact list. Boulder residents aren’t interested in the program you teach in San Francisco, unless it’s possibly a virtual course. It’s best to be as explicit as possible about WHO is supposed to receive the communication. It’s preferable to ask one direct question and get a yes than to ask fifty individuals and fill their inboxes with irrelevant inquiries. This may require a lot more work than it appears. As I’m writing fundraising and campaign emails, I’ll take my time going over my contact list. I send too many messages sometimes because I make mistakes, but fortunately, most of my friends and coworkers are kind and gracious about the messages I’ve sent, and they can refuse requests when they so choose. I will draft ten distinct email versions to be sent to twenty-person small subgroups, carefully assembling each group according to who knows who, what the inquiry is, who the story lead is, and how I want to phrase the request.