It can be thrilling, even exhilarating, to fall in love. However, strong emotions could eventually give way to calmer, more subdued ones. This does not imply that there is a problem in your partnership. For many, romantic love is the ultimate objective. You may view this love as the height of romantic experiences, or perhaps the height of life experiences, depending on whether you have fallen in love previously or are still single. But eventually, you may start to think, “I love them,” rather than, “I’m in love with them.” Loving someone shows how feelings of love change over the course of a relationship, especially a long-term one, more so than feeling “in love” with them. Though it might not seem like it, falling in love is a process that is relatively scientific. Many hormones are released when you fall in love, which can greatly intensify and vary your sentiments. Serotonin levels that are low can intensify infatuation. A role is also played by sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, which increase desire and cause lustful feelings. Other important chemicals that support trust, empathy, and other aspects of long-term attachment, like vasopressin and oxytocin, also contribute to your attraction.