You may decide it’s time to quit for a variety of reasons, but it can feel like a major decision. You might be eager to take on a new challenge or be interested in investigating another industry. Alternatively, you can not be happy in your present position. If you’re not motivated to do your daily chores, feel overworked or burned out, or wish to advance from your current position to a more advanced one, it could be time to resign your job. It is not unusual for someone to wish to leave their position. Actually, compared to previous years, more people are leaving their occupations in quest of better chances. Do you feel as though your time with your present employer is coming to an end? Then, it could be time to look for a new position with greater room for advancement and mobility. It’s time to move on when you believe you have used up all of your abilities in one role. Lack of growth potential can manifest itself in other ways outside the inability to advance within an organization, such as a dearth of chances to develop your skill set. If your employer doesn’t support you in developing your talents as an employee, you might want to find another one that will let you go to conferences, earn certifications, and further your studies in a way that benefits both you and the firm.