It’s common to feel a range of emotions following the loss of a loved one, and healing might take time. Take care of yourself by getting adequate sleep, exercising, and eating a healthy diet. You can also make every effort to stick to your usual schedule. Speak to others: Tell your loved ones how you’re feeling and take advantage of their offers of support. Joining a support group is another option. Engage in activities that provide you comfort: Engage in activities you enjoy, such as volunteering, art, or music listening. Prepare for triggers in advance: Holidays, anniversaries, and other significant events can be difficult, so prepare in advance to avoid loneliness or to creatively commemorate the loss. Avoid self-medication: Refrain from numbing the pain with drugs or alcohol. The period of sadness and loss that follows the passing of a loved one is known as bereavement. Losing someone you love can be one of the most agonizing things you will ever have to go through, even though it is an inevitable part of life and something that almost everyone endures at some point. The loss of a loved one, whether it be a parent, child, husband, partner, close friend, or other relative, can be devastating. Waves of strong and extremely challenging feelings could wash over you, ranging from astonishment, numbness, guilt, or regret to deep grief, emptiness, and despair. The circumstances of your loved one’s death may cause you to get angry, focusing your ire on God, other loved ones, doctors, or yourself.