There are a few crucial factors that can make or break your career in the music and entertainment industry if you’re a fantastic singer looking to pursue your passion. Beyond simply being able to hold a tune, singers must possess a range of skills in the fiercely competitive music industry. A key component of being a professional singer is devoting time and resources to honing your vocal abilities. Specific vocal skills, musicianship, or aural abilities required to sing to an industry standard may vary depending on the genre of music you have chosen. It’s necessary to familiarize oneself with the settings, creative/business procedures, and positions that are part of the music and entertainment industry if you want to be a successful professional singer. It will work to your favor to know where to go, what to do, and who to talk to in addition to being able to communicate with the range of specialists who make up this field. Your university network and mentors may be able to help you if you’re new to the music and entertainment industry by guiding you through both the performance and non-performance aspects of being a professional vocalist. Additionally, you can begin taking part in open-to-the-public events and jams, expand your network by meeting with musicians and other professionals in the field, and/or locate a mentor in the field.